Take back your time

When hearing about digital radiography for small animal vets you may have heard the term β€œDR or DDR X-ray”.

Not sure what this is or how it could benefit you? We are here to help!


As with any other form of technology, X-ray imaging has come a long way since the days of processing films in dark rooms. 

The latest innovation means you could obtain your X-ray image in a matter of seconds!

Direct Digital Radiography (DDR sometimes just called DR)

This type of X-ray imaging technology is the most widely used in the US, and is fast becoming the gold standard for veterinary radiography within the UK. DDR is the norm for veterinary equine use in the UK and it had revolutionised ambulatory X-ray examinations however the benefits of DR X-ray technology can also be significant for small animal practice.

Direct Digital Radiography for small animal vet practices

DR is acknowledged as the way forward for small animal vet practices. The faster speed, and ease of use, combined with great image quality makes DR X-ray technology the next logical step for any forward thinking busy small animal practice. With DR X-ray technology your image is processed and available to view in seconds, allowing you to swiftly move on to your next view. Full X-ray series are completed within minutes - reducing anesthetic time and helping your practice run more efficiently.

Free clinical X-ray downloads

Useful articles

Our range of DR X-ray systems

Clarox DR X-ray System
Acuity DR X-ray-2
Questions? Get in touch